Our tag line – “Better Prepared, Better Outcome” – says it all. This is what our resources are here to provide you. Divorce and Family Court matters can be a devastating time for any family – emotionally, mentally, and even physically. It also gets...
We know that there are way more than five “top” divorce no-nos. The real, exhaustive divorce “To-Don’t” list is truly quite a lengthy one. In fact, it may be never-ending. No one has all of the right answers and everyone’s order...
Some background information about child custody throughout recent history… Roughly a century ago, children were considered the property of the father. In determining the outcome for child custody orders, courts most frequently awarded custody (and all property)...
Children growing up in a reasonably normal life will have some tough experiences. From those experiences they will learn and grow. Children are able to recover from many types of negative experiences and be none the worse for wear. Unfortunately, a high-conflict child...
At the onset of divorce and child custody matters, people are often still struggling with high anxiety, confusion, anger, sadness, shock, and so many more emotions. In order to get focused, get organized, and prepare for what’s ahead, one must work hard to...
The term “control” is too often a dirty word in divorce and child custody proceedings. Some high-conflict parties will spare no effort to make the “C-Word” into something that should be considered when taking child custody away from a parent...
During a high-conflict divorce and child custody situation, it’s not unusual for you to focus only on your own thoughts, opinions, perspectives, etc. You’re unlikely to give an unbiased consideration for the perspectives of others, and most especially your...
Forgive the hokey math reference. It is intended to show another family with children divorcing and the zero representing the losses associated with it. For Jon and Kate Gosselin, arbitration may finally be putting an end to their marriage and avert a major public...
The equitable distribution process which occurs during divorce often includes provisions for the reallocation of retirement plans. This often includes the retirement plans or pension plans of one or both parties involved in the dissolution of the marriage. What is a...
A surprise to some, but not all, second wives are shocked to find that their income may be considered in the calculation of alimony payments to their husband’s previous wife. Needless to say, they’re not happy about it at all. In an effort to change...