Bucks County, PA Family Court Judge, Diane E. Gibbons, is no stranger to controversy affecting the lives of families and children in some horrifying ways.
When we last spoke of Judge Diane E. Gibbons on this site, she was allegedly violating the civil rights of Anthony Morelli and his children, among others. By ordering Mr. Morelli to shut down a website he neither owns nor controls, threatening him with incarceration and loss of custody of his children, and failing to hold a fair and meaningful emergency custody hearing for which the proceedings were sought on an emergency basis – it is alleged that the children have had to continue to live with a custodial arrangement that is detrimental to their well-being To read more about that case: PA: Father Ordered to Shut Down Blog or Face Incarceration, Loss of Custody.
The latest bizarre ruling from Judge Diane E. Gibbons has, for one child, meant ongoing, very serious and appalling physical, emotional, and even sexual abuse – as alleged by the father of this young girl.
From the Hinterland Gazette article: Bucks County Judge Diane Gibbons Sued for $1 Billion For Racial & Gender Discrimination of Hispanic/American Man in Child Custody Case:
The lawsuit alleges that the judge’s actions continue to cause the minor child to be subject to abuse and irreparable harm despite overwhelming evidence of abuse such as photographs, expert testimony and other reports of sexual, physical and emotional abuse.
However, that’s not all. In keeping with Judge Diane E. Gibbons apparent penchant for violating her constituents’ civil rights protected by the United States Constitution, the father, Michael Orozco, also makes such claims and has filed a lawsuit against Judge Diane E. Gibbons in the amount of $1-billion in damages.
From the article:
The lawsuit alleged that the child suffered black eyes, had patterned bruising on legs, burn marks on toes, showed signs of physical neglect and abuse under the care of her biological mother, Fawn Wilson and her boyfriend, Kevin Moyer. It gets worse. There are also allegations that the child was sexually abused and was taken to a hospital after complaining for vaginal itching and burning. Still, the judge didn’t see fit to remove the child from the home.
The allegations of such unspeakable horrors perpetrated against a child are disturbing enough. But it pales in comparison, if proven to be true, that these actions were aided and abetted by Judge Diane E. Gibbons’ ruling, which has apparently been devoid of any common sense, let alone, any remotely generally accepted judicial practice.
From the June 14th, 2011 hearing transcript in the case involving Anthony Morelli (available at savethepsychoexwife.com), Judge Diane E. Gibbons is on the record as follows:
My job isn’t to be loved. You don’t become a judge because you want everybody to love you. You don’t become a district attorney because you want everybody to love you. You do your job to try to protect people. As district attorney, it was my job to protect the public at large. As a judge, it is my job to protect these juveniles.
Judge Diane E. Gibbons appears to be failing in her duty on a grand scale. She’s flouting the U.S. Constitution, the one she’s sworn to uphold, and children are suffering as a result.
The larger question we have and the general public should be asking is – WHY?
Its funny that there is this drama with the unhonorable Diane Gibbons. I have had my own dilem with this judge over the years and this county revolving around custody of my infant son. Bucks County is completely corrupt and will take advantage of the non wealthy. My case in hand. My name is Glenn William Berger, I had the luck to partake in the curts of Bucks County and let me tell u it was not a pleasant expierence. On Oct 5th 2007 my son Dyla Annunzizta was born and I will explain, just please bare with me because this is a mess. Prior to my son being born in Aug. 2007 my ex Alana Annunziata exercised her right and filed a P.F.A against me alleged abuse, she did this soley because she was unsure about the paternity of our soon to be son. She moved into her mothers house Susan Higgins Annunziata a employee for the Bucks County Courthouse might I add, and moved her ex boyfiend Wayne Sands into her mothers house and really made it law for me not to come around. And i pled no conest to the allegations and went about my own buisness regardless of the inner turmoil of pain i was going through. Well shortly after this My ex started to forcefully violate this order by calling me. Im faulted because i allowed this contact to see my son. My ex became addicted to the pain killer oxycontin and was aquireing the drug illegally. Her own cousin a Christa Lanzano called Bucks County children and Youth who interviened and temp removed dylan from her care, due to the neglect she was giving him by her drug use, the fact that the child was 3 months old and sept on a air matress and she would abandon him on this air matress and not tell anyone as she went about her activities on the late night. Well Children and youth contacted me and drug tested me and i cae up clean except for marijuana which at the time i was recreationally using and willing to give up for my child, which I did. On March 18th 2008 My ex forcefully violated this PFA and came tomy residence of 88 westaway lane, warrington pa and alleged she had been raped by a number of people in bristol twp., really wht had happened was she had gotten into a altercation with her cousin for calling CNY on her. Her cousin contacted the Doylestown police dept. and filed a complaint. Sortly after Doylestown Police dept. arrived at my residence looking for Alana Annunziata about the complait. Instead I was taking into custody for her forecful violation of the order and held in Contempt. I was furious and ended up breaking a widow in the police car. The next day the contempt charge was dismissed and Alanas mother Susan bailed me out of the institutional vandalism charge for breaking the window. I still had my son living with me now and I am still paying her chid support. I caught alana getting high and forced her into a rehab by calling CNY on her . She went to Malvern and I supported her through this. She ended up getting high in rehab and fleeing to west chester with someone else from the rehab. I pursued custody completey through the courts and support. In May 2008 I attened a preliminary hearing for the windo i broke and took the stand and admitted guilt, apologized and offered to pay full restituion. Also in may lana became very violentand started harrassing me and my residence at all hours of the night, the police were called several times on her anfd no consequence was given to her. I filed several PFAS of my own in Bucks and they were ultimately dismissed. In my pursuit for the last PFA an agreeement was made where i would keep dylan, she would be allowed visitation every other weekend from sat to sun and that she was to be restrined from my residence. Well Mr. Kevin Bradway esq, the court appointedattorney I had, really spun me and the contract was worthless as i assumed it would be eforceable. On june 29th a sunday i might add alana was suppose to return visitation of our son dyan that day, i was to meet with her mother as per this contract and instead she showed up to my house and alleged i pulled a gun on her to intimdate her as a witness for the misdemmeanor 3 institutional vandalism. Now this M3 turns into a felony 3 intimidation of a witness. I havent seeen my son since any of this. I took a trial in Bucks under Diane Gibbons I was aquitted of the felony 3 intimidtion of a witness and found guilty of 2 misdemeanors which i recieved a 2-5 year sentence for each one. Judge gibbons handled my domestic realtions stuff too, and the subsequent pfa filed for dylan after the june 29th incident. I tried to get the judge too recuse herself, she denied my request. Whats worse is I remember Alanas mother going to lunch with Ms. Gibbons when she was a D.A. at the restuarant Tomatoes. Judge Gibbons denied knowing her, Where is the justice? I just tried to do right by my son and bucks County took everything from me. If anyone wants to contact me please feel free Glennrdhll@yahoo.com. Thank you for listening and I hope this opens your eyes.