Click the link and join Mr. Custody Coach on Blog Talk Radio for one of our ongoing series of internet radio shows about custody arrangements and any number of related topics.
This week’s scheduled program is entitled Custody Agreement Dos and Don’ts and we are asking for interested parties to join us. Additionally, we would love for you to submit some questions you may have ahead of time as we try to give listeners an overview of things to consider (and not) when they are preparing to sit down and create a parenting/custody agreement in advance of meeting with a qualified attorney. Perhaps you already have a wealth of experience and want to submit to us suggestions for either or both “dos” and “don’ts” to be shared on the air.
Date / Time: 9/30/2009 2:00 PM
Call-in Number: (347) 989-0306
Michael and Lexi will be your hosts. After the program is over, we will make sure that the recording of the program as well as a transcript are available to everyone.