The “star” of the MTV reality television show, Teen Mom, Amber Portwood has been charged with a pair of felony counts and a misdemeanor count for domestic violence and battery stemming for a pair of incidents against Gary Shirley.
Gary Shirley became a high-profile male victim of domestic violence when Amber Portwood assaulted him on at least three separate occasions. One incident was televised. Another was not and only come to light when the raw footage was subject to being turned over when the authorities subpoenaed the raw footage of the show. It was only then that the evidence of the second incident of domestic violence was discovered.
Amber Portwood delivered her domestic violence assault on Gary Shirley, the father of their child, Leah, during the summer months between June and August of 2010. Why it has taken several months before Amber Portwood is charged is not clear, but we surmise that the clear and convincing evidence left authorities with little choice than to move against the teen mom with felony domestic violence charges on November 18th, 2010.
From the article, which also includes several still shots of the assaults:
Under Indiana law, an incident of domestic abuse is considered a felony if a child is present for the abuse — which baby Leah was in both cases. Interestingly, one of the two felonies is based on footage never aired by MTV.
If convicted of her felony domestic violence charges, Amber Portwood is facing a maximum of 3 years in jail and fines totaling as much as $10,000.
In today’s domestic violence climate, where women are almost exclusive treated as “the victim” and men are almost exclusively treated as perpetrators, this high-profile case is just one of hundreds-of-thousands which occur annually. If you look at the photographs, Gary Shirley is a sizable man (link at the end of this article). Amber Portwood is quite clearly smaller than him. Yet, she shows absolutely no fear as she unleashes her assault upon the father of their child, and does so in the youngster’s presence. This is just one small example that “size doesn’t matter” when it comes to domestic violence. Female perpetrators of domestic violence know all-too-well that even if a man is simply defending himself, that’s all that needs to occur for him to go to jail and be separated from his children. Sometimes, the male doesn’t even have to do anything and he’s still at great risk of incarceration for domestic violence himself. Our guess is that explains why Gary Shirley barely makes an attempt to defend himself from her blows. It also explains why countless reputable studies show that women are equally likely as men (if not, moreso) to initiate domestic violence (see: Domestic Violence Myths & Realities).
Time will tell how severely she is punished for violent crimes committed against Gary Shirley in front of their child. We guess she’ll face very little punishment and will still retain primary custody of the child. Make no mistake about this – if the roles were reversed in this situation, it most certainly wouldn’t have taken many months for Gary Shirley to be arrested and we’re fairly certain he would be waiting a very, very long time before ever getting to see his child again.
For more details and to see snapshots of the assault, see the full article by clicking here: ‘Teen Mom’ Amber Charged With Two Felonies & One Misdemeanor For Domestic Violence & Battery! Exclusive!
See also: Dr. Phil’s Domestic Violence Silence
Hate and divide racism pure hatred and immoral behavior and violent and young white people! YOU GOT A REALITY SHOW! Judge Judy nasty unprofessional attitude. That is so unnecessary and just to get rating is part of the problem with reality TV! The producers and directors and the creator of Teen Moms and MTV should all be charge with aiding and abetting and encouraging teen pregnancy! Also encouraging violent and disrespect! This program is totally outrageous and disgraceful and should be pulled! From the foul month teens with no respect for their parents. Many don’t have respect for their children or their bodies! One of the Teen Moms Janelle is a rotten disrespectful criminal! That should stay in jail and never be near any child. LET ALONG HER SON! But what is so irresponsible is that magazine feature Janelle and her child on the front page! Rewarding bad behavior! The same thing they did with Amber from the first group of Teen Mom. After she beat her boyfriends and showed violent. She also appeared on the front page of a magazine! I also have to bring up race! Many of these Teen Moms are white. Is this how all white families raise their children? Do white parents think it’s OK to use profanity at age 10 and up? OR YOUNGER? Do white parent demand respect from their children! Is this why white cops can murder 7 year old black unarmed children and adults? And walk away without a care!! Is it why America’s white judicial system give white cops a pass for murdering unarmed black Americans? The reason I bring race up is because if MTV feature all black Teen Mothers! There would be the same if not worse question about the black race or all black teen mothers! Al Sharpton would be asked to explain all black people! Bill Cosby would have to make a statement etc… That the double standard well establish before I was born I’m 52 years old! We see these all white reality shows where there is nothing but women disrespecting each other. Fighting and arguing! They are nothing but rich thugs!!! America is seeing the result of white greed white superiality white pushing their immoral mentality! In the words of Dr. Phil “ you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge!!