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Do I need a custody coach? Only you can answer this question, but if you feel like you are stuck or are afraid to answer the phone, read your emails, or wonder what the next problem is going to be from your ex concerning custody of your children, you can probably benefit from becoming a member of Mr Custody Coach. Mr custody Coach helps clients create parenting plans that will work on a daily basis, by getting you to think about the consequences of specific actions. When most people divorce or separate, they've never had to deal with custody, mediators, or family court before. Having Mr Custody Coach on your team can help you avoid making costly mistakes that can affect you and your children for the rest of your lives. Whether it's maximizing your custody time, or minimizing parental alienation, Mr Custody Coach can help take the mystery out of custody issues.
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If I have an attorney, do I need a custody coach? Mr Custody Coach can help you define plans before you discuss things with your attorney, and help you deal with the day to day problems that arise concerning your custody case. Your attorney's interests are in getting a custody agreement, or a contempt charge, or whatever legal problem you are currently dealing with. Your attorney isn't available for every problem you have, like harassing phone calls you receive daily. Mr Custody Coach can help you with those daily problems, like how to respond to harassing phone calls and emails, or how to best document when you've been denied custody time. Mr Custody coach can help you organize the issues you want to take to your attorney in order to save you attorney fees, and give you the best chance of winning. A custody coach is not a replacement for an attorney, but part of your custody team that can help you live a less stressful life while dealing with a high conflict ex.
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Do you believe in shared parenting? Mr Custody Coach absolutely believes in shared parenting! We believe every child needs BOTH parents in their lives, unless one parent is unable to parent due to a mental, physical or substance abuse problem. We have both mothers and fathers as clients, and urge all of our clients to fight for 50% custody or more if clients have strong evidence that the other parent is unfit. While our clients are obviously one of the parents, or a stepparent, we believe we are fighting to maximize the benefits to the children in any custody dispute.
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I need major help, how often can I contact Mr Custody Coach with an issue? For clients that are right smack in the middle of custody issues we have created two memberships that may be more suitable to your needs. Our Platinum membership includes unlimited email support directly with your custody coach, and our Platinum Premier membership includes an additional 2 hours of personal phone support from your custody coach. Gold members can take advantage of our private message boards as often as needed as well. We strive to teach all of our clients ways to deal with their exes that will lower stress and contact with your ex to avoid more problems in the future.
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Do you offer in person coaching? At this time we don't, but with phone, email, IM, and online contact we've found that our clients can contact us much quicker than if we had to schedule in person meetings. We are also able to keep our membership prices lower by offering online coaching.
Only $49.95 Win custody and
stop parental alienation now!
5 frequently asked coaching QUESTIONS
After several hours of phone coaching my husband was able to feel in control in the court room. He felt like he was entitled to what he was asking for, and that he deserved to see his kids finally. That was huge for him. Thank you so much! Slippits
Your coaching saved my marriage! My husband's ex wife continually wreaked havoc on our lives until we found you. Thanks! April
Now I can sleep at night and my husband and I aren't constantly at each other's throats, stressed out from trying to reason with a woman who cannot be reasoned with! Kou